Super Forecasting
Pries Capital Legacy Portfolio Model
5m 47s
Explore super forecasting, its relevance in finance, and the power of probabilistic thinking. Learn from Tetlock's experiment and the pitfalls of narratives in decision-making.
Benefits of this discussion:
• Enhanced Decision-Making: By understanding the principles of super forecasting and probabilistic thinking presented in the presentation, listeners can improve their decision-making skills, both in financial matters and complex fields. They'll gain insights into avoiding cognitive biases, embracing flexibility, and making more accurate predictions.
• Awareness of Narrative Pitfalls: The presentation highlights the dangers of relying on long-term narratives in financial markets and the importance of avoiding such pitfalls. Listeners will become more aware of the biases and risks associated with narrative-driven decision-making, helping them make more informed and rational investment choices.
• Insights from Empirical Research: The presentation draws on Philip Tetlock's extensive research and experiments on forecasting, providing listeners with empirical evidence and practical takeaways. This scientific approach to decision-making can help individuals become better investors and forecasters by learning from the successes and failures of experts in the field.
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